Getting to know the team – Haylee Funk and Julie Amos

When you pick up the phone to give Guild Training a call, you’ll most likely be assisted by two of our administration team, Haylee Funk and Julie Amos. We wanted to give you a behind-the-scenes look at the team, so we sat down and got to know Haylee and Julie a bit better!

How long have you worked at the Guild?
Julie: Four years.
Haylee: I’m not too far behind Julie, at two and a half years.

What were you doing before you started at the Guild?
Haylee: For 6 years I worked at Aviation Australia – an RTO for aircraft engineering & cabin crew training.
Julie: I was living and working in Perth; I worked for a Plastic surgeon before moving to Brisbane.

Haylee, you were working in a very different industry! Has your perception of pharmacy changed since you started working with the trainer and assessors? Yes, I know now that taking a trip to the pharmacy is about more than just getting a script filled after a trip to the doctor. I also didn’t realise how much training is involved in being a pharmacy assistant.

What about you, Julie? A bit different to Haylee, I definitely take more notice of how I am being served when I’m in a pharmacy.

What do you find the most interesting about pharmacy?
Haylee: All the extra things they do – home visits, blood pressure etc.
Julie: Me too. There are so many different services pharmacies offer the community.

What do you enjoy most about your job?
Haylee: I work with some really wonderful people.
Julie: The variety of work, and enquiries I encounter during the day. Of course, the people I work with are pretty good too!

What is a favourite/proudest moment or biggest achievement in your career?
Haylee: Completing my university degree.
Julie: That one is yet to be determined.

What do you do in your spare time?
Julie: I love spending time with my friends, family and my beautiful dog.
Haylee: I’m not really sure what spare time is! I actually do volunteer work with Scouts Qld with their youth amateur theatre programs.

What inspires you?
Haylee: My family.
Julie: Kindness.

Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
Julie: My sister.
Haylee: Me too. I couldn’t live without my sisters.