How can confidence change someone’s life?

LisaRyanIt was an amazing journey. I was honoured to be nominated and then go on to win the NSW state award. Each step of the process was so exciting and inspiring. It’s a great confidence booster; to be recognised for a role that I am so passionate about, truly is the greatest feeling.
– Lisa Ryan, 2015 NSW Pharmacy Assistant of the Year

Many of the previous State and National PATY winners come away saying that they feel so much more confident within themselves and in their careers, after participating in the Award.

While part of that feeling is because of the amazing training PATY participants receive, a major factor is by just being nominated in the first place!

Knowing that someone thinks you’re great at your job can be validating. It’s a confidence boost that puts a smile on your face and gives you the motivation to go that extra mile for customers.

It only takes a few minutes to give an outstanding pharmacy assistant a confidence boost, so nominate one today!